“Prepare. To. Gamify! Ecosystem Building”
– Survey for organizations involved and interested in game development, gaming and gamification activities

The main aim of this project is to evaluate the level of interest in developing the gaming industry and gamification ecosystems in rural regions, as part of The Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme.

Using gamified methods is an effective way for everyone to benefit from digital advancements, which increases the value of business innovations and solving social-health issues.
A long-term objective is to involve local and international stakeholders in game development, gaming and gamification, to gather insights, and boost awareness.

This survey is a joint effort between Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Region Västerbotten, Mind Detonator, and Ardán. The survey is open until March 17th, and filling out the form should take about 5 minutes.

Answering the survey does not obligate you in any way, but it would be great if we could contact you for more detailed information.

Interreg Northern Periphery

and Arctic

Project priority

Project period
Start 01.12.2023
End 30.11.2024

1.2 Reaping the benefits of
digitisation for citizens,
companies, research
organisations and public

Total budget
99.967,84 EUR

NPA co-financing
64.979,08 EUR
